
Thursday, June 19, 2014

As a future teacher, how will you handle the Generation Z?


        Teaching profession is not a profession for a while but a profession of forever. Students are students. They come and go. They must proceed to another level and we, teachers left us with memories and experiences. They touches our lives and we touches their lives, though it is inevitable, we see to it that they really learn something that is lifelong  so that they could not forget about it.

        Part of being a teacher, we carry on to our shoulder the vow of adaptation and acceptance. Because we choose no generation. We remain a teacher and we should welcome those children with open arms, regardless of the year they were born though it matters in terms of creating strategy but it's up to us teachers how will we explode our creativity in teaching, like activities, a worthwhile experiences that would run throughout the entire lives of the student. Besides, they did not have given the chance to choose which year to born, it's their faith and it's our challenge.

       Boomers, Generation X, Milennials and Generation Z, these strongly implies that learning does not occur only with what age but learning is a continuous process. It is a cycle. Therefore, we teachers are the keyholder to take good care of the key because time will come, it may unlock many doors of possibilities. Now, one of this is the treasure having this digital world  of today. 

          Brought by this possibilities is progressive change in the human life, more specifically in the educational system, from having a paper and pencil in the classroom, we have now gadgets/technologies like laptops, cellphones, and Ipods. From a book based learning system into a computer based learning system, and still the progression is on going.

       Now some of us teachers was born having a traditional educational system and then, with a rapid change our educative process evolved into instant, that  free us on working manually on our lessons.  At this moment of time, our tasks is to equip ourselves with this digital world because our students, particularly the Generation Z was born already having always an internet. They are the generation who consumes their time in technological devices. They knew more than us. Some of them are the contributors of many applications in the internet such as game design. And compared before we were exposed mainly in outdoor activities but today they are exposed to many computer games. They are the generation who found themselves happy playing videogames than of playing outdoor games. With that, we teachers must integrate our topics using computer games, we must create a unique educational computer games that would really hold the attention of our students throughout the entire learning system. They must found us interesting, particularly the digital experiences/activities that they will encounter and discover into us, that we teachers are wired with many creative applications that they (learners) could not imagine we have created and those activities that they could not find anywhere using the internet, because that activity is only in us. It is us who they are looking for.   

        Before I end my reflection about handling the Generation Z learners, let me share to you this video:

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